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“Writing you a quick update to say with all my heart a big hug thank you for Sunday Soothe and yourself in general. It really is so powerful to be a part of this group. This week’s activations have me feeling emotional over how loved and supported I feel from all my spirit guides. It’s like a fog of depression or darkness has lifted that I didn’t even know was there and I feel them with me. Whenever I do my activations from this past Sunday, I literally feel like I’m in a session with you — huge amounts of energy moving, big heart expansions, so much love pouring in that it truly makes me cry! So here’s my daily gratitude for YOU, for Sunday Soothe and for myself for choosing this work again and again and showing up. Love you!”

“Today’s SundaySoothe was DEEP and releasing. I cried and released a lot of baggage. Thank you, thank you, I love you”

“Okay, my words only describe like 5% of what actually was going on, but here’s a few things I’ve noticed that were happening during the session… when we first started I could feel things happening physically and energetically to my stomach/solar plexus…my stomach kept gurgling like crazy and making all sorts of noise for most of the session! The activations were all super powerful, but when you were doing the part with the blue wiggles up and down the spine into the part with the fingers on the head… I felt like this mini brain energetic surgery was going on and like releasing so much pressure…you mentioned hormones being affected, which felt very accurate for me… but it felt like it melted away all this built up pressure and blockages in my head… It was a relief and felt soo good.”

“Hi Iva, I’ve been marvelling all week at what a catalyst for change Sunday Soothe is. You always say mind, body, soul, spirit as part of our activations and I really saw this week how the work we do together then ripples out into other areas of my life. It’s the thing that starts the change in the first place. Specifically this week, I kept coming back to the sensation and memory of breathing white and gold healing light into our womb spaces this past Sunday. We were breathing blue into our heart and expanding it from within at the same time, but I really felt this huge release in my lower belly below my belly button. I’ve been quite bloated there for a few weeks, holding water in my stomach in a way that isn’t normal for my body. During Sunday Soothe, I felt so much space created and I really experienced this internal love and support. It really stuck with me and I’ve been visualizing it all week as well as when I do my activations. Especially the one about fully committing to my heart and soul programming. I was like, holy fuck I belong to MYSELF.”

“Hi! Checking in after week two of Sunday Soothe. You absolutely spoke directly to me with those activations”

“IVA — how long have I been doing regular sessions with you? At least a few years. And wow, Sunday Soothe is next LEVELLLLL. Supercharged IVA. First things first, you look gorgeous on Zoom and I want to know all of the skin care things you do. This part is TMI but I laughed when you said you were clearing old stuff out of our gut during the session today because the energy prep you were doing beforehand was basically a colonic. You were working on us at the beginning before you even came on to speak and I was like whoa Nelly here we go. I felt so much tingling in my head and almost like, a weird sore throat flare for a second that then cleared too. Then all the activations throughout were so incredibly moving… but honestly the best part was the colour work you did at the end. That was crazy powerful. I felt/saw/experienced so many colours and sensations in my body. My gut started gurgling. I felt my heart expand inside myself and I experienced the sensation of real support and self love in my womb area. I don’t know how else to say it except I felt like the biggest, best version of myself afterwards for several hours, just really basking in this beautiful post Iva glow and feeling joy in body. THANK YOU!!! Cannot WAIT to see what this round of activations brings. Love love love”

“Hi Iva!! How is it possible to continue to get more and more beautiful! You are absolutely stunning inside and out! Your voice and presence are so soothing I could seriously listen for hours! During the colour activations at the end, I was on the verge of falling into a deep sleep, I was sooo relaxed. Thank you for all the recommendations and magic! Lots of love!”

“Look at all the beautiful gifts. 6 activations recorded. Thank you so much for an epic Sunday Soothe…I felt like I was in another dimension when you were working on us. Love you so much. ps you’re gorgeous. I J’ADORE you”

“I appreciate today’s SundaySoothe! I will be activating morning, night and throughout! I had some cracks in my throat, neck and spine as we moved into the latter part of the session! As always, so many insights and synchronicities. Thank you”

“Iva! I love you so much! My soul is revived and nothing is the same. You’ve resuscitated everything meaningful to me and I am so beyond grateful - for everything that has opened up for me since the event! This was by far the most powerful of ALL your events. You’ve handed me the healing balm to all my anxieties and concerns and I’ve since made shit happen and gotten opportunities that seemed impossible to me prior to the event. IT’S ALL POSSIBLE AND I’M SO INTO IT!!! I feel reborn - this is just the beginning baby!” 

“Dear Iva, Thank you for being our guiding light and sharing the work you do. Your activations and the event (the event!!!) make me feel things in my body and my soul; expansiveness, limitlessness (is that a word? it is now!), feelings, desires. It’s like my soul is a map and you’re helping us all find the way to the heart of it. Thank you!!” 

“Oh my goodness Iva, last night was INCREDIBLE. I don’t know how you do what you do and frankly I don’t care… I have jumped in head first into all of your classes on a whim just feeling like this was something I needed to do and honestly cannot express the extreme amount of gratitude and love I have for you and all that you do. This shit works! I have tried everything and NOTHING has affected me the way this has. You knew things that I wouldn’t tell anyone and I can honestly say without a doubt my body has released sooooo much. I could not stop yawning and feeling twitches throughout my body as you worked on us.”

“Thank you thank you!! Beyond grateful I had the first day in a long time where I laughed and danced so freely! You are truly sensational!!!”

“Hi Iva!!!

I have no words yet to explain everything I felt from last night’s event. I feel like I have been washed over by calmness and peace. My nervous system, anxiety, and intense emotions have decreased immensely. I had the best sleep last night and it was so deep and restful.

During the event my stomach began to cramp up and when you began the heart activations with clear light I felt so much heat in my chest and throat! At the beginning I was feeling so drowsy and tired, almost out of it. As I woke up this morning I began my activations and I could feel tingles all over my body!!! It was so strong! I also had so much more energy than I have had in the past 4-5 days!”

“Iva. I am speechless and yet words and thoughts are spilling through my mind at the same time. I can feel energy moving in my sacral chakra area still. Hours after the event. You are such a beautiful soul. So many things came up during, where I had to chuckle because you were saying what I was already thinking. So powerfully tapped into each other without meeting… yet! Cannot wait to meet you in person one day! Thank you. I love you. Have a blessed day.”

“Darling Iva,

I think it’s going to take me weeks to fully understand and process everything from this evening’s session. Wow. Wow. Wow. You must have given us 20 activations (I could not keep track) with so many specific colors, and motions – the richness is beyond what I could describe in words.
THANK YOU for being YOU.”  

“My neck and shoulder have been giving me problems all day, but the second you started the event the pain just melted away. Xoxoxo”  

“Dearest Iva,

WOW no words can express how grateful I am for the session tonight with the soul tribe! Your activations, and power, I felt my hands shaking like crazy with your FREQUENCY!!! My throat was hot and felt like I couldn’t swallow until we cleared it. Everything you said hit my heart so strong!!
Thank you for giving us all our protective violet cloaks. I will wear mine proudly! Looking forward to more activations and sessions with you. You are the real deal!!! Like you say… you can’t make this stuff up.
From my heart to yours, thank you.”

“It was absolutely beautiful and beautifully intense at the same time! Thank you”

“Thank you so much. My throat felt clogged like I couldn’t swallow and then by the end I was able to take a deep breath and felt this whole clearing experience. MAGIC PURE activation THE REAL DEAL!!! Xoxoxo”

"Iva's powers are so strong that it's impossible to go to one of these events and leave the same person. I truly have had the most incredible things come from these EYE Events... Especially moments of clarity that I could never get elsewhere."


Thank you thank you thank you for such an amazing energy charged event. As soon as you began it was like a jolt of electricity entered the room and you radiate all this beauty and love. I felt my own energy coursing through my veins – literally – and by the end after the guided meditation I was very flushed – It was like you turned something on in me and I heated up! Walking home I felt like I was walking on clouds and had a sense of euphoria, calmness, and confidence. Once again my soul got realigned and rehydrated with the nourishment my body and soul needs. However the magic happens in the days following. I find myself waking up with a huge smile and a feeling of happiness that is coming from deep inside. A shift happens every time and it is always in the right direction. Any anxiety, worry and tension melt away and in its place comes joy, bliss, confidence and love. It’s really real and I thank you for sharing and guiding me.

"Hi Beautiful lady.

Yesterday’s group event was definitely THE most POWERFUL event to date I have been to. I am so thankful & grateful for you and what you do.

Obviously your work on me went right into action. Usually I don’t get commented on my “energy” often (only after I work with you) but look at the miracles you create - you did your work on me and I have managed to secure a location for a school for young children & their families because of last night.

It’s been a uphill battle to find a place for kids, many landlords see them as a liability, but with the activations and powerful magic you gave to us last night you have helped me to save many families a lot of uncertainty and stress.

Thank you, love you."

I just have to tell you what your group activation has done for me. Firstly, before I walked in there I wasn’t feeling great; I just needed a shift. When I got there, I immediately felt the energy; it felt so pure and beautiful. The hands on and the internal work that you did was amazing and has majorly shifted me. Not only am I making double the money that I was previously, but I also was given a new job opportunity that I didn’t even seek! Also, the people who made me feel negative are miraculously disappearing out of my life. The best part is that all of it is directly attributable to you and the group event!! 
So I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have personally done for me. I am a completely different person, inside and out, than I was when I started with you. I cannot wait to continue this journey and am even more so looking forward to where our next Skype session will take this!
Sooo can we book my next one??
Love you the most!!!"

"Essentially, what’s been happening since the event is infinite and every single moment has been such a gift. Something massive moved within me, and out of me. I could feel all of the toxic, stagnant energy pulling out of my body and I felt life entering my entire being. It was so beautiful. Everything that didn’t serve me anymore was removed from my body. The work that you do when we’re in the room really, sincerely, doesn’t stop there! I could actually feel the energy leave my body and it was incredible. I am so refreshed and so awake to all of the opportunities and possibilities that are here for me to create, and the ones that have been waiting for me to show up."

"Hi Iva,
Thank you again with all my heart for the event on Sunday.
Just being there with all the people and hearing you has opened up my eyes again and I can see more clearly and understand more. I have had a different day today after being at the group event. Lately things have been a bit stale & stuck in some areas in life, and today was different – I seemed to know what to do in every situation when I just sat back and “Lightened the FUCK UP” LOL
The baths you channeled are working like MAGIC – salts ran to the parts of my body that were aching or tense. THANK YOU!!
Listening to you, being activated, given activations – reminds me of the work we have done so far for me and not to let there be any back tracking. I can’t wait to see you later this week to continue moving toward in my Soul journey.
I love how honest, truthful and RIGHT you are – Thank you."

“Last night was so incredible and to the point powerful. You targeted exactly what I needed to hear and know. The activations you gave are so ON FIRE. Everything you said was so direct and accurate. The way you see the truth of things so clearly and identify everyone’s specific confusion with powerful answers and solutions is just beyond me. You just nailed it, LIKE HELLO?!?! YOU ARE MAGIC.”

“Your group session Sunday was very powerful. I know you know that, but I felt it even more than normal. I’m honoured that I get to work with such a magical being on this earth. I love that you give us words to look up. The minute I look the word up I feel something shift and become clear. Also when you touched me I felt myself go somewhere. I feel I will never be the same and it’s awesome. Love you to the moon!”

"Last night was a Miracle! I feel so beyond blessed that I have access to your guidance and your gift! It's truly such an HONOUR to have you in my life, helping me and guiding me to realize my joy, courage, and strength! I feel so happy and confident. 

I have the recipe to living my absolute best life ever! (THANKS TO YOU) And I am already creating it by doing all my assignments and staying committed to Me! 
Thank you."

"You have enlightened my heart, awakened my soul and assisted me with so much that I am NEVER going to be the same!  EVER!!!  

For once in my life I feel like I am truly honouring myself and giving myself a chance to be the best person I can be on this earth.  Thank you for reaching in and bringing out what was hiding within me and helping me shine.  
Love you and your amazing Posse!!!" 

"When you make the choice to work with Iva, as I have, you learn how to decipher the YES! versus the NO! in your life based on your own SoulTruth. You develop and hone the ability to hear and honour your Soul Calling, Soul Purpose, and Soul Creating. Choosing to show up for an event hosted by Iva is deciding to give yourself the key to your Greatest Happiness and Soul Security. My life has changed astronomically and continues to evolve into something more beautiful with each and every passing day and I would not be where I am without her Divine Assistance!
Love Ya! xxoo"

"Two weeks ago I was stressed, broke, addicted to being sad & creating my own problems. After a Powerful Reality check & Activation from Iva, I walked out of the room a completely different person. A whole new Hopeful & Generous Reality had Opened up for me. I realized I had SO much to be Grateful for – and my Commitment & Consistency to this Genuine Gratitude along with the EYE Assignments has changed my Entire Life. Within two weeks, I received Two unexpected cheques, a New Amazing Job (& bunch of other offerings!), and a new System that allows me to experience life at my Soul Standard. I have never been Happier. Thank You Iva for Gracing us with your Gift, and for Connecting me back to My Soul. I feel so Hopeful, Clear & Guided. I Love you."

"I truly have had the most incredible things come from these EYE Events... Especially moments of clarity that I could never get elsewhere. Iva's powers are so strong that it's impossible to go to one of these events and leave the same person. You become a better version of yourself each time. Expect the unexpected because nothing is ever the same once you enter those doors. It's one of those ~ hard to understand unless you experience it yourself kind of things ~ .. SO GET INVOLVED. The biggest favor you can do for yourself in this lifetime is meet this beautiful person."

"Tonight couldn't have been more magical!!! You have changed my life in so many ways and I am so THANKFUL. My soul thanks you for its activation!!! You have allowed me to LOVE B again!!! Thank you thank you thank you."

"Iva completely changed my life within less than 3 minutes. I instantly went from being closed off & bitter to hopeful & fulfilled - with new job opportunities and openings being offered to me the very next day." 

"Iva is able to work with you on such an incredibly, deep & soul-mindful level. Everything she says is worded so perfectly and beautifully so that it resonates with you in the most profound, and intimate way. She brings all the right people into the room to produce the most magical, new relationships...Things make sense again - like I've been to a spiritual lost and found."