“My last session with you was truly LIFE CHANGING. To be honest, week after week, I feel the frequency COMPOUNDING -  10 x, 50 x, 100 x. In just 3 sessions, I feel reborn!!!! After being stuck in a RUT for the last two years, while doing THE WORK - I was completely stuck, stagnant, plateaued and feeling like I was living with 10 weighted blankets over me. As soon as we did our first session, EVERYTHING began crystallizing. I felt my heart come back online more than ever before. I feel activated. My soul feels so happy and free. New opportunities are pouring in. Even though this season is HUGE for growth and the energy has been WILD, I truly have no words for where I’d be without you and these absolutely life altering sessions!!!! WHO ARE YOU!!! I have seen every “big healer” out there, no one holds a CANDLE TO YOU. Fuck you are MAGIC!!!!! THANK YOU. I am so so so grateful you chose me to be in your beautiful, luminous energy!!!! I am FOREVER TRANSFORMED. And we’re only getting STARTED!!!!!”

“After our session, I felt a power inside of me that I have been craving to access for such a long time that was living dormant inside of me. No matter what I did, or how much work I’ve done of myself, I could not access this power. After our first session, it was like I came FULLY online - effortlessly. I just began operating and showing up as my ideal self, future self… my TRUE essence. I finally feel SEEN, because I can see MYSELF for the first time. It’s WILD. I had a multi million dollar opportunity come through that I’ve been “chasing” for months, I leaned back with you and it’s HERE. Mind blowing!!!! This work is like NOTHING I have ever experienced!!! I can’t wait to go deeper because the opportunities that arrive after each session and who I am BECOMING has been my lifelong dream. THANK YOU for this beautiful energy and for guiding me to this beautiful place.”

“When I get my 24 hour session reminder and good things just keep happening: - $$$ on the way, two new clients signing contracts… “coincidences are God’s way of being anonymous” aka I know you’re working on me ❤️❤️❤️❤️”

“You are more special than I could have imagined! I feel so lucky that I found you when I did - I already feel lighter and able to breathe post our session”

“Just wanted to quickly say….Thank you for not spoon feeding me!!!!!! You are so incredible, I love the way you assist me but also make me realize certain things on my own. I am super committed to this work and saying gooooodbye to the comfortable controlled little old me, I’ll do whatever it takes. Sooooo grateful for you.

I actually appreciate it more than you know. My whole life I’ve been handed everything or told what to do (yikes). But your approach is my fave. I’ve learned so much from you and I have 100% faith in you, your power and this work. Love you beyond.”

“Dearest Iva, 7 years ago, I had my first soul alchemy session with you. In my case doing the soul activations for mind body and soul has been a 7 year journey of resolving F.E.A.R.s; and E.G.O. For myself, I have always had a health worry having been born two months before full term. Grand Organized Divine had a timing for me that was a blessing. You have helped me with my relationships with my birth family, for work relationships and friendships. You go well beyond any practitioner that I have experienced in 50 years. My body musculoskeletal pain I tried to treat with non steroid anti inflammatory over the counter meds for 23 years - with your help, I have eliminated these and not taken any for 7 years. Removing toxins with your protocols, along with supplements to help eliminate and then support the body are tremendous.

My mind was spinning with stress and anxiety due to work situations. With your recommendation on intuitive foods, and exercise to address, has reduced these feelings about events that are not real. Every day for me is an opportunity to continue soul work.

I recommend anyone regardless of your reason to do soul work - emotional, physically, mentally, or you want to seek your own soul path - sign up with Iva and have the results you desire”

“Hi Iva! Just wanted to send a quick thank you for our session last week and how kind it was that you stayed longer on the phone with me!!! It is/was very appreciated! After we got off, I was chatting with my husband about our session and was telling him that things that are coming up are from 8ish years ago… he immediately went to his dad dying 8 years ago, almost to the day. You even said you were picking up on his dad!

On to the really bonkers, incredible $$$… last week after our session, the universe was just off the chart perfectly aligning things, and we were able to close a huge deal ($14M) and personally made $600,000. It was the most incredible feeling of how things had to be put together for this to work and it just easily fell into place! We could feel your magic!”

“Hi Iva, I just wanted to say - I had such an amazing screening for the film last night. It looked BEAUTIFUL. The sound was perfect. People laughed, people cried, I was able to enjoy watching it as well and appreciate the work I did. All in all it was a really amazing experience and I feel both so proud of myself and I also feel really capable and ready and excited to keep making things.

I had so many people from different walks of life come and really genuinely connect with it and tell me afterwards with tears in their eyes how much it meant to them and how moved they were. It really was a huge moment.

I think back to last summer - how I was so nervous to even ask for help fundraising, how much courage it took to even have the IDEA that I could do something about this, how scared I was to put myself out there. I was hiding and you really helped me break out of that shell I’d created for myself. And look at me now, super excited and ready to share what I’ve made and to put new things out into the world. I literally am a different person. I couldn’t have done this without our work. THANK YOU!!! I am eternally grateful to be able to work with you and to continue working with you. My life would be so different if we hadn’t met.”

“Right after our session yesterday, I got a message from someone I used to work with about a project, the day before that after your live, same thing. Every time you speak to me or I hear your words, the world opens up for me ❤️ opportunities, feelings of joy and excitement and hope, and just love for myself and life”

“SHE’S BACK! Than you thank you for the extra long session, my soul feels hydrated. I love you and our sessions! There is pure JOY, gratitude and love radiating through every pore. My skin has been glowing & feeling soothed :) all thanks to youuu”

“You’re truly the best healer ever (although that word isn’t your fave) you have healed me in ways no doctor has, I love you”

“Thank you so much for the beautiful session last Friday. I felt so much lighter and felt sooooo nourished from the inside out. I felt a veil lift and was so energized. The session brought so much clarity and magic this week - releasing anyone and everything unaligned - it felt like a WHOLE NEW FREQUENCY. I am soooo grateful for this work!!!”

“Hi Iva! I had a great time chatting with you Saturday! Such an eye opening convo regarding my programming between my mother and women. The more I’ve sat with it, it absolutely makes sense! Thank you for cutting right to the point and telling me! Also, my husband and I have had two new client opportunities come our way that are super exciting! This happened in a similar fashion when I signed up for SundaySoothe. I felt your magic when it was all happening! Sending lots of love and appreciation!”

“Dearest Iva! Doing my activations with my feet grounded in the grass, and just want to express how grateful I am for you and our sessions together! The amount of laughter I experience in our sessions is so deeply healing - and it is a laugh that I never hear leave my mouth, and it is like this deep release of tension and light and TRUTH! You are a Divine Comedienne GODDESS and you should add that to your resume 😂 Love you deeply and looking forward to our session this week 💗💗💗”

“I think one of the greatest life long gifts I’ve learned from working with you is my ability to allow myself to feel the emotions I feel and not pass judgement on them anymore. I did my activations and I think I may have cried for 30 minutes straight but it was an emotional release. My first impulse is to say “why am I crying” but now I just tell myself, this needs to be released from my body. And I can’t tell you how amazing I feel afterward ❤️ like a weight has been lifted”

“Our session was beyond expectations! Thank you. It was our first session and I felt like you knew me for years and years. During our session my body was working… felt on fire, sweaty, flushed cheeks, cried. Nose was running”

“Working with you has really been such a positive impact on my life. I’ve never felt so supported and appreciated and just seen and understood (also I feel I’m able to express/reflect the same sentiments to myself in a way I never thought possible). Again, I’m not exactly certain of the best way to explain but I’m extremely grateful and I so so look forward to the remaining sessions and working with you more in the future. Thank you.”

“Once again, I want to say thank you. You pointed me in the VERY right direction and I’m incredibly grateful for that. I seriously trust you with my life”

“Iva, thank you for hearing/seeing me, and helping me be aware at how I’ve been a victim… I’ve never tried to articulate how I felt, so trying to was very eye opening…also I realize where I need to get mega clear and figure out what I truly want… You really are soul family, like a soul sister…that feels incredibly true. Thank you for your guidance, for calling me out on my bs, your magic, your presence, and for just being an untucking REAL huge hearted awesome human! Big love!! Lots of changes to make ahead! Can’t wait to see what unfolds.”

“You are more special than I could have imagined! I feel so lucky that I found you when I did - I already feel lighter and able to breathe post session. Already rebooked!!!”

“Self worth, self worth, self worth! I didn’t have any. I knew I was a solid amazing woman but I didn’t SEE myself. Which came from childhood. Not even my own family could SEE me. Still can’t lol! but it’s okay now because I took on people’s projections of their own bullshit. Not anymore. Thanks to my angel Iva 💖💖💖”

“You are ALWAYS SO ON POINT!!! How does it feel to have such an incredibly powerful impact on someone’s life?! You are the best role model for real. Blessed to know you and work with you”

“My Beautiful Angel, Goddess, IVA👁️
I wanted to email you about the extremely powerful expansion that I experienced earlier this week:

I was doing my activations and going into my usual routine of thinking in solitude, and as I was drifting into meditation and telling myself GO DEEPER, its like the blinders came off and the bigger picture started to reveal itself. Like it took me to a new place of understanding, almost like I now had access to a new room full of information and beautiful feelings.

So much became clear to me as I entered this room - those of us who truly are of the light that want to live authentically in truth are finding you. You’re like a lighthouse for those of us who are waking up / awake and refuse to go back asleep and entertain those dark low vibrational parts of ourselves and experiences that can be so hard to let go of. Having you as a guide to unpack some of these feelings and offer support and validation has been a real life saver. It’s like you represent our highest selves. You lovingly teach us, guide us, and hold us accountable as progress can only be made when we are making better decisions and really LIVING in our truth. We can’t be of the light and have dark toxic partners (personal reference lol). It just doesn’t work, and we shouldn’t want it to work because it forever keeps us stuck in those awful karmic loops. And I noticed each time I ignored the warning signs, the consequences got worse.

A lot of us are waking up to our God given gifts beyond this world, and you have served as the most loving and patient guide with a little tough love thrown in so we STOP fooling ourselves. Because at the end of the day, when we fool you we only fool ourselves, which is why I truly see you as that representation of our highest self. An Angel sent from the heavens to gather her divine feminine light beings and guide us to our highest timeline so we can LIVE and LEAD by example.

I feel this incredible feminine essence that’s rushing into and throughout my body that has been suppressed and misunderstood for centuries. This energy is yearning to, and now DEMANDING, to be set free on this earth to build a new foundation brick by brick. Creating something brand new from scratch guided by the heavens and GOD. We truly are on a mission and can’t thank you enough for being the pillar of support throughout it all. I feel safe being this beautiful because I know you are supporting me! And by beautiful I mean; feminine, loving, truthful, authentic, intuitive, open and brave. You being your divine self allows so many more of us to show up and blossom into our own divine selves. The MAGIC IS REAL!”

“In our session yesterday I felt every single cell of my body come alive! Incredible... like I was jumping for joy on the inside everywhere - I actually FELT - ❤️

I was like the walking dead before I saw you. Today I feel like I am actually living. 

You helped me find my way back to self ❤️ so today I did what I want for me, which is rest and more rest”

“I can’t even begin to explain what’s transpired in the last 12 hours. I woke up today with a newfound revitalizing energy. I feel so different than I have all week, it’s like you removed a dead weight I was carrying this week. I feel so much lighter, I feel happy and I am having the most wonderful week”

“This is so amazing! So powerful! Thank you for your generosity! I’ve worked with healers and intuitives before but no one is as on point as you! Powerful and divine!”

“You make me wealthy. I will never have enough words to articulate how fucking epic our sessions are!”

“I’m so excited for this week ahead, because only magic happens after my sessions. But the way I feel today is just proof of how much our sessions make my LIFE BETTER. God bless you and know that I appreciate you beyond words!”

“I want to say thank you Iva, you always give 100 percent and I really feel it with your presence. The other thing is I want to say thank you for always speaking life back into me, you speak such truth and my soul gets it…it feels like you’re inside my head which makes me laugh and cry…this time it was a lot of tears released. I literally changed my clothing bc I soaked through mine from sweating so much.

So, update…I finally stopped/’broke up’ with my old coach…it took courage to finally do it and listen to my gut. What you said about me waiting and not making moves is something I know is super important and I know I sit on shit too long. So it lit a little fire under my ass to stop waiting, at least on that for starters…feels like there are a lot of things I am slow to make changes on, so this was what I needed to hear.

I am doing my activations, this round of activation is not as ‘easy’ as the first ones. When you gave me the first I immediately started bawling. The second one you gave me feels super calming.

I know there is so much more, but right now that’s what’s coming up! Thank you again! I am looking forward to the next one!”

“Went home, passed the fuck out and could literally feel myself still being worked on. Thank you for the extra long session, thank you for going above and beyond, thank you for all that you do”

“Felt undervalued at work. After our session, I decided not to hide and go after what I deserve. Yesterday I was given a raise”

“Dear Iva, wow wow wow!!! Thank you Goddess Divine. Yesterday’s session was magical, heart opening, awakening and clearing old patterns / entities (some came as a surprise how intense).. I felt the weight off my feet and the goosebumps / prickles around my back & head reigniting my energy centres. Remembering. Our. Divinity.

After the session, I felt light as a feather and high on my own supply with this new sense of worthiness & awareness of my ENERGY. Cartwheels and butterflies!!!! An opportunity landed today (less than 24 hours) and I’m excited about it!

I am in awe of your gifts. I feel so blessed and lucky to work with you. Thank you. Blessing you. Loving you. Excited for the next session!”

“Hi beautiful Iva. I loved our session so much yesterday. It was such a FRUITFUL and comforting conversation. I don’t know why I’m using the word fruitful but I think it’s because there was so much soul juice given to me during my session. But it felt “detoxifying”.

At one point I became suddenly nauseous and almost feeling sick. But it was the kind of sick when you’re detoxing something out of your body — it was like a die-off symptom in real time. And when I told you, you told me you were moving something through my body and it eventually went away.

It was WILD in the best way but I definitely feel lighter today, feeling so grateful for my beautiful life and all of your support to get me to this place. There’s so much more for me to do here and I can’t wait for all of our magical sessions to unearth it ALL! I came here to do epic shit!!!”

“I am currently in the air on my way home from two amazing days with work. And I can’t even explain to you the gratitude I feel for where I am in my life right now. In just four short months I am completely different yet so much more me. I was looking out the window and seeing the clouds above the night sky and was thanking God and it just made me want to send you an email because I am truly truly so grateful for you Iva it makes me want to cry. I don’t even have the words other than I just need you to know the gratitude I have runs from my head to my heart to my TORSO to my feet. 

My life is literally transformed. My job (which I love so much) is moving in such a meaningful direction. I have projects coming at me that MEAN something, my creativity is being honored, I’m strengthening myself as a consultant, I work with people I love and care about, and they genuinely care about me and my success. 

My personal friendships are quality and it’s clear who I need to keep OUT of my life. I am learning how to navigate my parents. I am finally taking better care of myself (more to come and I need the Iva magic here #layers). I have sessions booked into mid March. All of these incredible things!!!!

I have amazing work travel and personal travel coming up. My life is epic and I attribute it all to the SOUL HEART CENTERED WORK at the hands and heart of Ivawithaneye.  

I need you to understand how much I value and appreciate you, your time, your energy and your commitment to helping me be the best version of me and helping me find who I truly am. I LOVE YOU SO BIG there aren’t enough words!!!!!”

“As soon as I signed up for SundaySoothe I got a job for basically the same amount! This alwayss happens to me, the money just flows back somehow…magic”

“Ok…you mean business!!! I feel like I just got ZAPPED in the absolute best way possible. You were doing your Ivawithaneye energetic magical thing and as my eyes were closed I felt an incredible shift, and when I opened my eyes I felt like I woke up from a deep deep sleep or something, like I was WAKING UP into a new dimension and had to recalibrate. THANK YOU! As you said, my face looked gaunt and grey before and now I feel flushed with a glow! Hard to put this feeling into words, but thank youuuuuuu I just love you so much”

“Hi Iva! You hit a different angle with me that no one has. I have felt dull and done with the chaotic energy around me this past year and that has built up over time. After we spoke, I felt passionate and excited to bring myself back. I’ve seen glimpses of power I have and know it’s in me. Ready to bring it out in full force… to heal and feel good. I’ve started eating paleo like you said, it’s bringing the inflammation down. Thank you for your rawness, I’ve needed to hear it… looking forward to next sessions”

“Iva -- even on Instagram, you truly give so much. I've been doing all your latest activations and feeling and seeing them reverberate in my life. For example, I had the random thought today that I don't feel like I'm in lack mindset around money anymore. It's the same realization I had when I stopped drinking and doing drugs and made a real commitment to honour and respect myself through our work. For a while I could still feel this heaviness in my mind, body and soul and then one day I just went huh, that urge, that toxic pull towards self abandoning and harming with drinking and drugs is gone, wow, look at that shift. I now have that with money as well. I used to have this sense of weight and shame around money and feel like I didn't know how to make it and didn't trust that it would come my way. Randomly while driving today I was like huh I don't feel that way anymore, I feel confident to handle money, to make money, to ask what I'm worth. It's such a big shift that just happened subtly so I almost didn't notice... and then I also realized I've been doing your latest activation about releasing lack mindset and I was like AH HA! There it is. 

I also read your post that said "if you want something specific, don't flirt with the lower quality version of it. Be stubborn about it," over and over again today and I kept getting new levels of it. At first I was like aha yes that was shown to me about dating. And then I read it again and was like OH AND OF COURSE FRIENDSHIPS. And then I read it again and I was like oh and of course jobs and creativity as well. I feel like my entire time in LA has been a reminder of how I used to settle for the lower version of things and how I am no longer that person or version. It's also shown me when I do dip into that pattern and that I now can recognize it and go nope, I see what is happening, no thank you, back on my soul track. What a beautiful thing to recognize and integrate! Honestly I've enjoyed myself so much BECAUSE I'm not in that space anymore. 

Sending you so much love!”

“After our session, I felt and still feel like I have a magic wand - everywhere I go I spread light, bright light, really bright light with it, and that dark shit can’t touch me”

“Hi Iva, How can I even begin to thank you? Last week was one of the most gut wrenching hardest times of my life. I felt like I was drowning and I couldn’t see which way was up. You helped me return to my body and know what I needed to do to get through it. I feel like I can see again. I know there are a few more hurdles I need to overcome but your activations morning and night are helping to calm my nervous system so I can breathe through it.  

I looked up the term “fawn” and felt a huge light come on. How did I not already know this!? I’ve just been automatically fawning in response to any challenging conversations thinking I was helping with a resolution by being “flexible” not realizing that I am totally not being honest MY Entire LIFE! It’s so embarrassing and I’m so frustrated with myself. That’s just another reason why what you do is so important for me and the world! I’m SO done with this shit! I CLAIM to “walk life, walk purpose and walk soul” the alternative is too painful to fathom.

I know we’ve barely scratched the surface and I can't wait to exist in my pure truth with confidence and ease.  I appreciate you more than you could ever know. I look forward to working together more. I LOVE YOU”

“Hello Dearest Iva, I’ve had some time to reflect upon our session, and I will say that I feel like an onion of darkness has been peeled back from me, and I feel closer to my truer self than I have felt in a very, very, very long time. Looking forward to our next session and an everlasting relationship. You are so special and it’s truly a blessing to have you in my life — I am ever more grateful and indebted to your splendour. Love, M”

“Dearest Iva!! Thank you so much for the absolutely amazing session. The energy, the deep body rocking release, the tears… something is shifting within me, and I am so excited to see where it leads. I’m so grateful our paths have aligned, you are the real one”

“After last night’s session, today I woke up happier and more excited than I’ve been in such a long time. I feel so much lighter. I feel like I have things to look forward to, I feel hopeful, the work you did in my torso yesterday…I can’t explain it. Yesterday you took something out of me and I feel so different. I keep saying lighter because something heavy was removed from me. I want to say guilt but it’s more than that.

All week I’ve been STRUGGLING with my sinuses, I did acupuncture, I did Osteo. Nothing helped the sinuses. In our session yesterday — as you already know because you were doing this — my sinus in my face was opening up. And then after OUR session, it felt like I walked out of an Osteo session. I have so many physical responses to our session — my hands are tingling. The back of my head was tingling, almost like it was asleep, and I felt like certain areas of my body were opened up like you manually adjusted something. Eye wanna call it soul surgery or soul adjustments 👁️

After that, I continued doing what you told me during our session for about another 15 minutes then I passed out for TWO hours. It was so needed and I’m still buzzing from it.

Thank you so much for holding me through all this hard stuff and for taking all of the gunk out of me. When someone asks me what my “word” is for 2024 is, I’m telling them BOOMBOOMPOW 💥 #letsgetit

Love you forever and eternally grateful for all this work you do with us ❤️”

“Today's session is one of our most powerful to date and we have been working together for quite some time!! Of course, everything you said in my last session literally came true last week with specific examples that could not have been more obvious.

And this time around I literally FELT you releasing stuck belief systems in my head. I felt light headed and then my throat got all itchy as you activated my throat chakra so I can speak my TRUTH from my heart. So wild because since the session, I've been singing non-stop for the last 4 hours, just like I would in high school. It's my greatest joy to sing with my full heart and chest and voice and my throat doesn't hurt at all, whereas in the past couple years I'll get sort of a tired/sore throat when I sing.I said this in our session but I realized recently that our work together has changed as I've leveled up. In the beginning, I was definitely more passive and was slow to grasp the concepts you were trying to show me. Now every session feels like spiritual bootcamp in the best way -- you make me actively participate, call out my own bullshit, and create real change. We're literally stopping belief systems in their tracks as we go and watching them unravel. It's WILD IN THE BEST WAY.

Lately I've been feeling like the most capable, confident, empowered version of myself. I got a promotion, I negotiated for myself, I know my worth and I'm excited and confident about the creative projects I'm working on.

It's all comin' up Iva, as they say! So much gratitude and love from the bottom of my dang heart. LOVE YOU TO THE MOON!”

“Every time I’ve worked with you, my income has increased - and I’ve called in more aligned clients”

“I’ve been a client of Iva’s since 2019, and the person I was upon meeting her is not the person I am today. Not only has my view of the world shifted but my relationship with money, abundance and self worth has completely changed and is still changing for the better. Since working with Iva, my annual salary and revenue (and my business) has not only transformed but QUADRUPLED (six figures). The opportunities, the people I meet and the way I view money is completely different than it was 5 years ago. She helped me unlearn and release those old belief systems energetically to make room for all of this beautiful abundance and success to come through. An example, I would have sessions and then receive opportunities for 10s of thousands of dollars. 

The Self Worth component comes in because the work we did also put me in a position to “allow” and “receive” this good fortune — that’s been the real work and something we’re still working on. There’s layers to this but there is so more. I know I was made for more and Iva is holding my hand and my heart on this journey, helping me realize all of it. I’m eternally grateful to her for that❤️” - Bianca F.

“In the 2023 year, the growth both emotionally and spiritually and financial has been extraordinary. Never have I thought this could happen. Excited for the 2024 year as I am ready to grow more. You really are amazing and I’m glad you’re part of my journey”

“Hello Iva, after my session I felt much lighter, like this weight of baggage had just evaporated into thin air. I felt calm in my mind and body… the hamster wheel of thoughts were gone, my eyes looked noticeably different in the mirror…I saw peaceful looking eyes and my jaw (which is full of acne and has been super inflamed) looked slim! It really felt like I could see above the clouds. After, I actually felt like I had mental energy to do the things I’ve been thinking about for months. I really felt like I had this spark of energy back. Work was busy at the end of the week and I felt way more flow. I felt more in my heart. Ps loving the ginger cinnamon vanilla drink you gave me! I’m obsessed right now.”

“I have been drinking the protocol you told me to do in our session last night and in less than 12 hours I feel like a different person… pure magic!”

“Just wow, our last session was just ✂️ ⛓️🚀 Although I was hysterically crying and couldn’t get words out I KNOW that session just hit different. In all the years of sessions, not once have I done that so thankkk you for allowing me to be vulnerable and for being there for me as I navigate these feelings and releaseeeee old stagnant energy that doesn’t serve me anymore.”

“Hello Dearest Iva, 7 years ago I began my soul rebirth with you and had my first session. I recommend to all who are open and willing to start the same way - with soul and soul work with Ivawithaneye. Tradition and history suggests the Chinese phrase, ‘Have you eaten?’ It is asked as a sign of caring for who you are speaking with before entering their home. I suggest that a new phrase is started: ‘Have you done your Ivawithaneye soul activation(s) today yet?’. As important to get your soul work done before, then you are grateful for the food you may consume.

Iva will help you remediate and remove anything that does not serve you: people, places, things. She amazingly helps you to bring things out in sessions: fear, anxieties, blockages, patterns.

Iva does much more than soul work. She has the ability to see through colour and frequency, intuitive foods and supplements that are right for your body nourishment and absorption.

I love working with Iva and I love her heart and soul.

Whether you need assistance with this human experience in this life or past lives, with people and relationships, with what you do for employment, start with ivawithaneye.com.”

“SO THANKFUL FOR THIS WORK, FOR YOU. Looking back on the last year of my life, the transformation is incredible. Literally was so stuck, so unhappy, so caught in a loop and now I feel so excited about the future for the first time in a long time. Love you so much!”

“The activation you gave me on Friday physically shifted my energy. When I was saying it into my body, I noticed my body was making sounds and things were moving inside of me. When I did it in the morning after waking up from intense dreams about my ex, I was a bit startled as I had nerves. But I said out loud “I am in charge of my divine frequency”, my nerves and the knots in my stomach completely relaxed. I did it again this morning and the same thing. Completely took me out of the tension and just made me feel like me again.”

“From our session and after doing my protocol, there is almost no puffiness in my face, and my body is shrinking - I was so inflamed before”

“I’m seeing this new me in action and I LOVE HER. There’s things about the old version of myself, the version that lacked boundaries, that lacked self worth, that just seem totally foreign to me now. I can’t wait to continue to grow and change and I’m so grateful for your assistance. Lots of love!”

“Iva, I almost have no words for the internal shifts I’ve been feeling this week. First of all, obviously your phone sessions are always amazing but being in person with you after so many years was truly incredible… and it was wild how everything you said spoke directly to my soul. It also forced me to be present with the work we were doing in an even deeper way and I feel like that sense of being present with myself has carried over throughout the entire week. Overall I’ve just felt GOOD. My activations this week are straight fire and continued to show me throughout the week all the ways I’ve lived my entire life in survival mode.”

“I can’t emphasize how much my activation has served me like a medicine this past weekend. Every single time I say it, it’s like I’m taking that ashwaganda you told me to buy a while back. My entire body relaxes”

“Since our last session, I’ve been doing your powerful activations daily! A few days after our session, I had a live cell blood test and for the first time ever, he said ‘your blood looks perfect’!!! That day I was receiving so many compliments. This one girl in the store was going on and on counting out the reasons I am so adorable haha. She said I was glowing - the classic Ivawithaneye post-session glow!!! It’s a thing!!”

“That’s why you’re the best - because you walk your talk. You truly live what you teach and preach”

“The last year and a half working together consistently has been the deepest and most eye opening experience of my life. I’ve worked with other practitioners but my heart and soul always brought me back to you and I’m so grateful it did because when I was ready to fully commit, my life started to change. It hasn’t been easy, my old patterns and behaviours and belief systems reared their heads over and over - but working with you is the first time I felt real shifts internally and I know I am clearing and shifting things for REAL for the first time in my life. Particularly the work we’ve done around self love and self worth has been TRANSFORMATIVE. I now know what it feels like to love and value myself and I’m seeing that reflected out in the world. My relationships are deeper and literally money is coming to me abundantly for the first time in my life. Working with you is helping me be more ME - the shiny, beautiful, light-filled version of me that reflects my soul purpose here on Earth and for that I am so grateful. Cannot wait to see where this journey goes from here because I know we are just getting started”

“Thank you for being in touch with reality. You are extremely real. Not a fake kind of psychic”

“WOW I have felt so good since our session. These activations are slapping 🤣🤣 no idea but that’s the phrase I wanted to use! I feel physically and emotionally lighter. I feel deeply connected to myself. It’s like a fog has lifted and I’m no longer carrying all this bullshit I’ve carried around forever that clearly was other people’s! I noticed I’m really enjoying my own company and not feeling lonely AT ALL. In fact I feel filled with the understanding that I’m on my path and in my purpose and it’s in the moments of solo quietness that I reconnect with that and reflect, instead of longing to distract and be busy with other people”

“Since you did the energy work, my stomach is now flattt and I totally feel detoxed. I was feeling bloated and uncomfortable before I saw you, so thank you! Those UTI-like and backed up feelings are completely gone”

“I hope you know how much you have impacted me and my life and how I live in my truth and real self more and more. You have helped me find my voice, my intuition and I know it’s not just our sessions but your live videos, the posts on your feed, and everything else you put out for us. I know it can’t always be easy but I hope you know what a big impact you have on so many of us”

“Still doing your sessions dailyyyy so I feel the magic working, love you BIG TIME!”

“The colour activations were really powerful. I don’t know how to describe very well, but it kept triggering some really insane visions of colour that felt like very strong memories. But memories of a dream? Or very abstract, there was no place or thing, just the colours felt extremely safe and like I was home again, and like maybe I used to do it as a kid? I’m not sure if that makes sense but I wanted to share it as best I could. Thank you again, I felt there was still a lot of processing for me last night. I still feel very connected to the colour healing.”

“I’m just so grateful to be working together, Iva. I really am. I’ve felt huge heart openings all week and so much love from my mom too. I’m also really grateful to myself and to my soul for KNOWING I needed to really commit to soul work with you full time a year ago now and now I truly cannot imagine my life without it. The amount of insight i’ve gained about myself, the amount I’ve shifted is just incredible. Thank you thank you x a million!”

“I wanted to tell you that our last session left me feeling so empowered. I believe in myself, I believe what I feel, I trust my intuition and I believe in my own power. it’s quieted all of the noise around me and given me a lot of peace. I said so many little prayers this weekend and said how thankful I was for you and our sessions. And just thank you for being here for me during this time. It’s giving me so much strength, hope and clarity and it’s just such important work that I’m so blessed to be doing. Love you”

“I don’t how to express what is happening right now….what did you do to my husband? He is a new man!!! Through and through! I am a new woman through and through. Wow just wow! Miracles do happen! So many things have occurred I can’t  type them all unless you want a laundry list of your greatness!”

“Ivaaaa, I have been struggling with my skin for as long as I can remember. Every day, I kid you not, I would wake up with a new pimple or 2 or 3 etc. I would always compare my face to a pepperoni pizza. Since we have been really doing the work together, my skin has drastically changed (this is without any facials or expensive products). I honestly never thought I’d see the day where I had clean clear skin. I now feel much more confident and comfortable in my skin. I’ve been getting compliments on it for the past few months now as well. Thank you from the depths of my being for all of your assistance and recommendations. This was something I struggled with for many years and it had a huge negative impact on my life. So thank you, once again, for enhancing my life with the magical work you do. Love you love you love you.”

“Dearest Iva, I often show up for our sessions exhausted or in pain. The strangest thing happens about 15 minutes into them - I am fully awake with excitement about the work. It’s like the tiredness disappears all of a sudden”

“Are you a magical human being who waves their hands in my life to make things better? YES. After returning to my sessions, shifts are happening. Remember how we discussed poverty consciousness? Well, I just got re-engaged into a project and now I can expect almost $10,000 in the next month. This is not a coincidence but a reflection in the power of what you do. Abundance is my birthright and the work we do positions me for that birthright. So much is being delivered to me. Signs and information from God out of no where through people, through books, movies, everything. I can’t wait for more”

“Okaaaaay whatever clearing we did/I’m going to keep doing is wild. I’ve had 3 people give me such nice compliments telling me I’m glowing today and every errand I ran this AM has been so easy and nice with the best interactions. Loooooove this wow”

“I felt it Iva! I had my eyes closed. As I took my first deep breath in, at the very top I felt my mid spine have a reaction. I’ve never felt this before. It was on the right side. I felt you working on my spine right before our session today!”

“Our session was beyond expectations! Thank you. It was our first session and I felt like you knew me for years and years. During our session my body was working… felt on fire, sweaty, flushed cheeks. I cried, and my nose was running. Just took a bath and feel calm reading my activations :)”

“I really feel that while the whole world “masks up” and layers up, you do the opposite and open us up, peel off the layers. I love that even one session makes waves in my life for months… I feel your power for so long afterward and things start to fall into place. I can’t wait to keep making magic with you. You’re such a special light in the world”

“After our session last week, you truly helped me clear and cure my weird lung issues that were going on. All last week I could barely breathe - I had a stuffed up nose and ears and trouble sleeping because I was coughing so much. I even had to sleep sitting up. The whole experience reminded me of when I was a kid and regularly got pneumonia and whooping cough and had to sleep sitting up all the time. I took your recommendations from our session and I feel SO MUCH BETTER. As I was doing my activations the other night, I had phrases, memories and emotions from childhood come up to be cleared. It was clearly related to that specific time in my life - even my illness as a kid was related to it. I’m so happy to be shifting this patterning and letting go of all that I’ve been carrying. I’ll also say — my chest area looks GREAT. As in, the protocol you gave me is really helping moving lymph in that area. All my puffiness is gone. Also it’s so relaxing and putting me into the deepest sleeps lately. I also wanted you to know that my dad has been reaching out to me non-stop. In very sweet ways, texting check ins and saying how much he misses me and wishes that we lived in the same city so we could see each other more. Of course that also happens with this activation! Sending you lots of love. AND OF COURSE — in true Iva with an Eye fashion, our session tomorrow son an eclipse. But why wouldn’t it be?!”

“Iva! This was the strongest session yet!!! I f*ing LOVE you! The strongest activation yet!!!! I got my power back! THANK YOU for “yelling” at me and WAKING ME UP! You ignited my fire!”

“When you did your hands-on energy work, I remember feeling the PURE joy, bliss and excitement in that moment. You bring me so much happiness - the real kind, not the fake kind ;) My skin looks so good and I’ve received multiple compliments on it as well! I never used to get complimented on my skin, but now it happens frequently thanks to all your help with it. Since you did the energy work, my stomach is now flat and I feel totally detoxed. I was feeling bloated and uncomfortable before I saw you, so thank you!”

“So many crazy things have happened since our session. And every interaction I have with you more magic happens”

“You really helped me see a lot of things I couldn’t see myself, and I really had to sit with myself and go over all the things you said that made me feel uncomfortable… I knew those were big pieces. One thing I remember from our first session ever was you told me I didn’t want to work. I remember I was so offended 🤣 But you were so right, I didn’t want to “work” in the way I had to “work”. I’m a human design Projector like you, and we don’t “work” like everyone else. But I wouldn’t have ever realized it without you. That’s just one thing. There were so many. I appreciate you so much. You really saw me and didn’t even know me. You have something so special”

“Wow, you are so divine, you already know that. But from the depths of my soul, thank you for every activation and blessing. You’re gorgeous and you can see the light shines from the inside out. I appreciate you so much and feel like I’m floating now. Truly an angel - I’m so grateful for you and your presence”

“Since our last session I have felt very intense physical energetic releases. As you gave me my activations, I had to laugh because you gave me this beautiful sparkling blue colour to work with and that’s LITERALLY the colour of the healing water at the spa I had gone to the day before. I was floating in the water, praying to release all that is no longer serving me — and then lo and behold in our session, you gave me that exact colour to work with. Pretty amazing. The day after our session, I was doing the activations in bed before falling asleep and felt this sort of tight clenching in my jaw and head come over me. As I decreed that dark energy no longer sustains me and I let go of the past once and for all, the clenching got really tight and then all of a sudden fully released, and the release continued down the rest of my body. My body naturally stretched in response and I felt so much space open up inside me, almost like going to the Osteo or chiro when something just clicks.”

“Thank you Iva so much for last night. I had a very nice deep comforting sleep and I continued to say the activations today and felt a sense of calm and at peace. Thank you so much for your magic. You’re a blessing”

“It’s hard to put into words just how much I love and appreciate you and your divine guidance - you are one of the biggest blessings in my life. From the moment we met I felt something magical about your presence, you are a rare one with an intuitive gift like no other. You see things that are miles ahead. You’ve said things to me months prior to doctors noticing or recommending certain protocols. Medical professionals have even been shocked at my healing process. I am not sure where I would be in my life without you and I wouldn’t even want to know. You understand me on another level, more than my own family/friends do. I feel so incredibly blessed to have someone as gifted, POWERFUL, and loving as you in my life. Thank you for practicing what you preach and for always showing up for me, for your generous heart and for all the soul-utions to any “problems” I may be facing. Also, thank you for allowing me to be in a safe place as I “feel to heal”. YOU ARE THE BEST!”

“The activations from our session are so powerful this week, I literally feel them in every cell of my body. Tingles all over, energy moving up and down every time I’m doing them. Talk about repatterining my brain and body!!”

“It just dawned on me very clearly that through my work with you I no longer feel guilty for my mother’s constant victim behaviour… it’s so clear to me now. It’s taken a long time of hard work. I SEE it now and my behaviour is so different from how I used to be my whole life! Wow!”

“The grief activations couldn’t have come at a better time. This past Saturday was the anniversary of my mom’s death. I felt her around me all week and shed some really beautiful tears that I didn’t know I was holding onto. I can’t believe it’s mid-December… where did this year go? I’ve been reflecting on the second half of the year working more intensely with you and really I feel like a whole different person. Looking at pictures of me, I even LOOK different. Much more like myself, grounded, open, happier, even when I am moving through big shifts and transformations. Grateful to have you in my life! Let’s keep going!”

“You are the most psychic. wow wow wow. The fact that you just said the most specific thing about my life has my mind blown. You said that it disgusts you when parents put their kids on a leash at Disney world, and that was me as a kid! On a freaking leash at Disney world! Mic drop you are so psychic. Love you and will continue to update you on the magic from our session! You are so incredible and thank you for reminding me that it is normal to go through those types of feelings when doing this super powerful healing work with you!! Releaseeeeee the leashhh. God blessss you forever and ever, you’re a real life angel on this earth!!! So much love”

“Iva, today’s session was incredible. I’ve been working with you for many years but really committed to showing up regularly within the last year and I’ve gotta say — Today’s session was the most powerful one that we’ve had together. Seriously, I felt you working on me during prep before we even got on the call — so much activation and sensation in my spine. And then the entire time we were working together it was like I was in this beautiful vortex of healing light. I felt it cascading down my body from above, up and down my spine, in front of me… it was insane and amazing.”

“Hello ma cherie, I’m so glad I got to listen to your live video last night. It was so nice, and I felt in all of my body vibration, warm energy… and calm. After I went to sleep I woke up with a lot of energy. Thank you again. I am so grateful having you in my life. Love you”

“I woke up this morning and my short film campaign is fully funded. Actually, we have OVER 100 percent — 101%! And we still have four days to go with more room to raise more so… I’m GOING FOR IT. HOW MUCH CAN WE RAISE? Just another very clear result of our work together!”

“THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO YOU ARE INCREDIBLE. I am so grateful to have you in my life. The transformations that we do together are so insanely profound that sometimes it’s even hard to put words to. I LOVE THIS AMAZING PROGRAM!!!!!”

“WOW, that in-person session was exactly what I needed. Coming into your beautiful space feels like I am at the most comforting spa/11 star organic hotel/beautiful floral shop. I feel so incredibly blessed to have someone like YOU guiding me so lovingly, assisting with my healing and giving me all the tools I need to LEVEL UP. You go above and beyond, literally, and reach into the depths of my soul. You really see me and allow me to see parts of myself I was previous blind to (aka avoiding or hiding from).”

“Iva! I want to thank you for really helping me yesterday. Within less than 24 hours, I went from feeling exhausted, dragging my feet, moody & depleted to completely full of life. I have gained so much clarity and positive outlook and feel like myself again - except a more powerful, clear and confident version! You are a genius truth teller. I am so grateful for your gift and your ability to see right through me. Tearing down the ego to get right into the soul. Always knowing exactly what to do to get me into the highest state, instantly. I feel like a new person!”

“It was so nice waking up yesterday feeling less of the heaviness I felt during the holidays. Our session cleansed me of all of that! I loved running into you because it was just a reminder of how powerful our sessions are, and the beautiful gifts I receive when I’m living in the light. Thanks for the “soul slaps”, I’m re-reading so many things you said to me from my session every morning and it’s giving me motivation and strength to unhook from the darkness and choose the light. Thanks for being with me on this journey. It’s such a blessing to know that I have you”

“What a shift this week. Literally my mind has quieted down and I feel a lot more like myself again. I didn’t realize I was walking around with so much anxiety - so much mental chatter, mental pressure. I love doing the activations with the colours around ,e and then just sitting and feeling them. There’s just been a shift. I don’t know how else to describe it except I feel centred and self-assured again. Like I’m on the right path and to just trust it instead of thinking so much. I feel really lucky and know how guided I am. I do feel like my heart is talking to me more and I can hear it again. Sending love!”

“I just had the first deep long restful sleep I’ve had in a week. I feel like I woke up with new eyes today. And yesterday, just to add more detail — it’s like my whole body unwound. My back, shoulders and neck, particularly my left side, unfurled and so much shifted within me. THANK YOU!”

“HOLY. SHIT. THAT LIVE VIDEO WAS SO INCREDIBLE. So deep. I felt it and continue to feel it in my bones. Every single thing you said was spot on for me”

“My commitment to this work is deeper than ever. I am so grateful and honestly fucking ecstatic to see the internal changes finally manifesting in the outside world. It’s been a long road, and I know we’re going to go deeper and further than I could have ever imagined. THANK YOU FOR BEING IN MY LIFE!”

“Ivaaaa, I always feel so much lighter, more calm, more present, and more confident after our sessions. Thank you for really caring for me and giving it your all. I feel the love from you big time and I hope you feel it back! This was our last session from the program I bought, and you were mentioning how big things always tend to happen on the last session. I received $30,000 this week and clearrrrllyyy it was from the power of our sessions together. Things like that do not just happen everyday. You are magic”

“I just wanted to say thank you, so freaking much for the work you do. Yesterday hit different, seeing you in person and being welcomed into your beautiful divine space made my heart smile. I feel so strongly that you are bringing me back to who I truly am. Yesterday you reminded me of that and gave me a glimpse into a much brighter future, so thank you. This morning I woke up at 7am and went for a JOG by the water, I never jog, but I felt inspired, uplifted, empowered, determined and excited. Bless youuuu”

“Iva, there is a chance I am going to hit half a million in revenue this year...I brought in 70K the year we started sessions. Then second year of sessions with you, 100K, then third year of sessions 280K and now here we are and it might hit 500K. HELLO!? Abundance is a huge deal for me because I grew up in a household where scarcity dominated. My sessions have literally transformed the way I see and experience life, money, love and relationships, family, MYSELF, everything.”

“Once again you have helped me to unravel a false belief system that was hindering me from living abundantly and living in joy. Now I feel excitement for the possibilities around the corner - I can feel them!”

"It’s so refreshing working with someone who just gets it and is able to call out all my shit with the utmost love - no fluff, no BS. I’m so excited to continue transforming with your guidance! Thank you dearly for today’s magic - I feel love drunk after our sessions!! I’m still buzzing"

“I’m finally starting to feel so happy again by just being me. My abundance is also getting delivered to my front door…literally. Ever since our last session, I feel this overwhelming sense of gratitude and I’m being showered with blessings. I’m exercising, I made your divine herbal tea last night which is soothing my insides. I was even approved for a kick ass business credit card!”

“Iva, the last year and a half working with you has changed my life in ways I didn’t know were possible. I’m so happy you were the one who guided me to this place in my life. I am so excited to see where this work will take me because it’s already brought me so far. I bought a house today. I’ve been saying my activations and tonight they accepted my offer. The first thing I thought was ‘Thank you God, Thank you God for Iva.’ You brought me here”

“Hi Beautiful Iva, looks like I got hired for 3 new projects since our last session! YAY! Lots of love xoxo.”

“Dear Iva, I want to express my sincerest gratitude to you, and for you. Since starting to work with you this year, it’s unbelievable how many changes I am experiencing in my life. One thing I was thinking about recently is that right now, the whole world is literally and metaphorically masking up and layering up. But with you, we experience a beautiful unmasking. There is something so energetically powerful during a session with you that every time we finish I physically and energetically feel another layer of myself (or my unself) peel away. This is so important because people do not understand that underneath all of the conditioning, teachings, and life experiences, we are our true, raw beautiful selves. Most need guidance back to who we really are.”

“Iva, you have done it again! I have been experiencing some health concerns/symptoms for 2 weeks prior to our session. The day of our session, my symptoms completely vanished and my mood felt extremely elevated. I felt uplifted and that new amazing opportunities were on the horizon. My skin also tends to always clear up after our sessions. Love you and thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do.”

“I love working with you, Iva. You have this beautiful way of allowing us to realize that what we need to become is who we were always meant to be. You also teach us that the power to achieve that is inside of us. Working with you has been a powerful reminder that we need to constantly be taking action towards that. I love that there is no beating around the bush with you, and that you call me out on my bullshit. That’s real love right there. How I approach adversity is completely different than how I approached it before working with you.”

“I got 3 more clients since our last session, which is always a beautiful session gift. LOVE you.”

“Iva!! My first Trinity Program session was nothing I could have ever expected. By the end of the session, my hands were on my stomach and they were completely tingling. They were vibrating with all of the light. I can’t even begin to imagine the impact this program is going to have on my life. Things already started happening the minute I booked the program. Do you even know how amazing and epic you are? I thank G-O-D every day I was put in your direction. Love you so much.”

“Iva, the health and wellness knowledge you have shared with me has changed my life. I don't know where I'd be without you! From diet, to lifestyle, to practitioner recommendations, you have increased the quality of my health on all levels. It's incredible how you can see exactly what I need in body, mind & soul to feel and function at my best. You're even quicker than my practitioners in advising what I need. The accuracy of your gift is uncanny and I feel so fortunate to have access to you.”

"Incredibly intuitive, warm and refreshingly honest, Iva tells it like it is from the heart and cuts to the core of any issue.  Mixing a unique blend of energetic/body work coupled with her razor-sharp intuition and genuine compassion, Iva has an unforgettable way of assisting on every level. No two sessions are ever the same, as she allows her guidance to direct her to your best possible good in any given moment.  She is like an Olympic trainer for the soul, spurring on each spiritual athlete to his or her “gold medal life”.  If you are looking for serious results and transformation in your life, Iva will be your most powerful cheerleader. A beautiful soul with a remarkable gift, she is a blessing to all who have the good fortune of knowing her. Love & Gratitude"

“Since starting to work with you, I’ve started a business I’m so excited about and I’ve made massive changes in my body and my health already. I can feel that I’m vibrating higher and hopeful for all of the abundance and beautiful things life can and will offer me. I can’t wait to continue working with you and your beautiful gifts. Thank you so much for what you share with us.”

“Iva! Since my first session, my entire outlook has changed. You guided me into magnetizing opportunities - guided me into worthiness and an abundant mindset. In our very first session, you basically told me I was stuck in fear (career related). I left that career and I kid you not, an hour later a more aligned gig came into my email with the same amount of money I was so scared to lose. That’s just a material example - you’ve guided me into awareness each day. You’ve opened my soul and heart to new depths and I am so grateful for your insight and guidance.”

“Just got hired for a Cover Girl styling job…a couple days after signing up for another session with you… you are the best!”

“I’m meeting myself for the first time. Since starting my sessions with Iva, I feel so much BETTER, stronger, lighter and confident. She’s helping me to connect with my divine feminine and release old patterns of behaviour that no longer serve me. I’m coming back to my true self. I often find myself smiling because I can feel all the abundant love and faith in my heart that I’m on the right path. LOVE U.”

“Yesterday’s session was incredible and gave me so much clarity. I feel so grateful for you & excited for this next phase in my growth journey with you. You are truly an earth angel. Old me was looking for someone to “fix” me, but I learned that you don’t try to fix people, but rather guide us to assist ourselves toward change and that’s where the real magic happens. Thank you & I love you so very much!”

“Iva Power - you are always ahead of everyone, even practitioners. As a truly wonderful alchemist of energy, you see clearly, and well before those that use right brain methods to validate their recommendation. Everyone should understand the power of IvawithanEYE.”

“Within weeks of my first session I had already started noticing huge shifts. I started making more conscious choices, was able to get clear on a business idea I had been thinking about for a long time, and I finally feel like I’m headed in the right direction. We have so much more work to do together still but you truly are so beautifully intuitive and know exactly what we need at the perfect time.”

“Dearest Iva, I felt the surge to express my gratitude to you once again. I feel I could say THANK YOU a million times & it still wouldn’t be enough. You’ve shown me what it truly means to believe that anything is possible & that my dreams can really happen for me - my mind is blown open to the options & opportunities. I now know what it feels like to be one of those people that has great things happen for them & it’s so refreshing to see the world & my life in a whole new light. People want to help me more than I ever believed they do. Life WANTS to give to me. Thank you for showing me the beauty of freedom.”

“Thank you for teaching me to be a true painter of the landscape of my life & for showing me that I really can have what I want WITHOUT SETTLING. I feel like I'm an entirely different person. Electricity is coursing through my body at the thought of POSSIBILITY”

“Dearest Iva, Thank you for being my soul lighthouse and alerting me of issues in my mind, body and soul before alternative and conventional medicine is able to detect it through lab work, blood tests and other methods - avoiding the proverbial shoreline crash. When we had our recent session, I shared how I was feeling, although I know when you start prep for sessions, your cell level check-in has already informed you. You shared that I have some hormone and thyroid issues. These issues were not mentioned in the last year with the practitioner I had appointments with. You shared that I should pay attention to what works and doesn’t work, and ACT with discipline following my own self-respect, self-love & self-worth. I made an appointment by ACTing upon your communication with a new clinic. The new practitioner read my intake form, evaluated my bloodwork and said, “I feel you need something to help with your immune, hormones and thyroid”. Your initial alert was verified by test results, and validated by another beautiful soul who practices with intuition. For any man that needs to improve their mind, body and soul - there is no other means I have found in 30 years of searching, trying diets, methods or treatments, than with IvaWithAnEye.
Many thanks, Love & Blessings,

“If I could describe our session in one line: You just washed my face with such amazing information. I feel so fresh. So alive and so renewed. This Flash Soul Program is the best medicine. I’m so excited to record my activations and literally step into my divine feminine. Thank you for everything today.”

“Wow, when I first started working with you I was probably in the lowest financial state I’ve ever been in! Through each session, you are helping me unblock my abundance, and wow, the energy is flowing!!!! You gave me an abundance activation. I did it the other night to wake up to a big cheque in the mail! Money is coming out of the woodworks!! You are helping me to receive, which I never knew how to do!”

“Since singing up to your FlashSoul Sessions, I have been getting order after order after order!!! Business is the BEST it has been in a while! I am so pleasantly surprised and happy!”

“Thank you for showing me how to BELIEVE in myself in the most non-lukewarm way possible. Thank you for believing in me when I was ‘holding on for dear life’ to all my excuses. Thank you for showing me that true courage exists within me when I choose to show up for myself. Thank you for walking with me through my fears.”

“In our session, you spoke about helping me with my Soul Expression. The right people came into my life after that to really truly help me grow. Situations happened as they divinely do after our sessions, and for the first time I was truly content and loving to myself. Shortly after that, I met my now fiancee! My soul jumps up and down each time I sign up for your programs. I am endlessly thanking you for your support!”

“Iva, we just completed our third FlashSession and I am left speechless. You picked up on everything that is going on in my life without me saying a single WORD. The visualization, the colours, and the breathing we did together - along with the multiple gorgeous powerful activations, created this wave of cooling energy and a feeling as if my consciousness has shifted, expanded, grown. I am forever grateful to you and our work together.”

“Since I have been doing these one-on-one sessions with you, sooooo many great things have happened. Never have I felt like someone knows what is going on with me on a deeper level, and that feeling alone is one of the best feelings I’ve ever felt! I now feel way more like myself, grounded, with way less fear! If I didn’t have these sessions with you, I don’t think I would be able to get through this pandemic! Now I am the one helping others stay calm.”

“Dearest Iva, there were some major shifts in my internal environment this last month since we started our FlashSoul program, and things are starting to move on many fronts. Most importantly, I am re-connected to myself and my purpose. I’m really grateful for these sessions during this pandemic event, as you are helping me find meaning and sense among the chaos, stress and anxiety. Let’s keep the momentum going… all the way up!”

“I can say your FlashSoul Reconnection program is truly awakening me at the right time, right place, and right way. I have found this series to be the best. I recommend this program to anyone that wishes to take action to accelerate their personal growth, whether mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, at home, or in their community. Thank you, Dearest Iva. I love you.”

“Your ability to be unwavering when helping with difficulties, and yet with compassion and humour is why you are here on Earth to help people of light to see their true purpose and mission. Finding you and having this soul work will change anyone’s life as it has for me.”

“I have learned our sessions can offer information on health, family, relationships, work relationships, physical or emotional pain, events, people, places, self-esteem, confidence, self-respect, intuition, the benefit of having feminine and masculine energies work in harmony in an effort to clear, cleanse and rebirth the soul”

“48 hours after our session, I went to a place where I hadn’t been in a while, and everyone kept telling me I looked amazing, that I was glowing, asking what I have been eating or doing. This always happens after sessions, but this time it felt like I was literally shocking people! Yet I felt so calm, and so in my body. It was so surreal. As if my inner soul light was shining through. The entire day I felt my body was radiating love and light, and I just wanted to bottle up the feeling so I could access it for days to come”

“Thank you for the glowing skin. My skin has been immaculate since our last session & any “hardness” that I seem to have carried in my face has completely disappeared. I now look like I’m aging in reverse! I haven’t changed anything in my skin routine, but I’m glistening and/or loving more who I see in the mirror.”

“I've been working with Iva for several years and have changed so much for the better since working with her. She's a true seer, truth speaker, and healer. From her powerful energetic body work that is tailored specifically to what's going on with you personally, as well as what's coming up in the collective, to the guidance she receives and passes on from G.O.D. (grand organized design), Iva's sessions are one of a kind. She's helped me grow into a more open-hearted, trusting, magnificent version of myself, and continues to assist me to connect deeper with my heart, my dreams, my intuition and my larger purpose. It's hard to describe an Iva session because each one is so specific to what you're going through at a given moment in time, as well as where you are on your spirit journey, but I'll try my best with a recent example that took my breath away: My mother passed away several weeks ago and I happened to see Iva the day after my mother's memorial (although, of course, this is no mistake! It was cosmic timing). During our session, Iva revealed that my mother had come through to her that day and had given her some messages to pass on to me. The messages were so deeply personal, touching, and specific to my relationship with my mother. They provided comfort that my mother was guiding me from the great beyond as part of my spiritual team, and that she was okay and feeling free and happy. After the session, the messages I got from my mom continued to unfold and dovetailed with the guidance I received from Iva. I was truly blown away and so thankful for the experience. All this to say, it's a gift to work with Iva. It's not always comfortable, but that's because growth can mean shedding old versions of yourself to make way for something new. Iva is a fierce, empathetic, trustworthy guide with incredible skills who can help you tap into all that you're meant to be.”

“After my first activation, I slept better than I had in weeks. I noticed my energy increased TREMENDOUSLY and I have been feeling so HAPPY and OPEN. My days feel incredible and I feel a lot of excitement and love. I’m so grateful for everything around me and my entire perspective has changed. People I’m having meetings with have mentioned I look younger and more attractive than usual. My body and soul feel like they’re opening more and more everyday. I had been having really bad allergies and those cleared up. I pulled a muscle in my neck and that has also gone away. Each day keeps getting better and better.”

“Your activations are making me feel gooey. The last couple of days have just been groundbreaking for me. Old, old stuff clearing (energy, people!). I feel so clear and fulfilled.”

“Having you in my life is like I have my very own gateway to God. I feel protected and that I have someone I can turn to. I want you to know that every time I’m going through something I know I can handle it, but having you in my life really reinforces that things will always be okay. You bring out the inherent braveness in all of us by connecting us to real, raw truth about our lives and our world and it just makes the experience so much more real, but it gives us faith. Faith that we can be who we want to be at any given time and that we can actually have everything we want if we just eliminate the fear and stop being scared of our own light.”

“I have to thank you for so many things. I need to express how grateful I am to have you on my side, constantly supporting me and helping me become a better version of myself. Before I met you, I felt like an incapable and insecure person overall; the more I work with you, the more confident, secure and happy I become. It honestly just keeps getting better and better, and life feels so beautiful and exciting. Some days are tough and exhausting, but I am able to use the work I have done with you over the last couple of years to push through and persevere. I have never been so strong and assertive, and am getting so much better at putting myself first. Truly putting myself first has been one of my greatest challenges in following my soul path, but with each session I am able to see more clearly and feel my instincts more strongly. I am so looking forward to seeing how beautiful life will become as I continue to grow into a stronger, happier, healthier and more beautiful human. I have never felt more committed to myself, and I think that is such an amazing thing to feel. I am grateful that I have you to see into my mind, body, and soul, because it is so transparent and pure and makes you the most powerful healer on this planet.”

“This session was so necessary (as is all the work you do), so thank you very much. I couldn’t get my thoughts straight, and my mind was running wild all around so I was having difficulty getting actual rest. I didn’t realize how mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted I was until you made me see it. I was sweating during the entire session and I actually felt you infuse my energy back into me. With the activations and everything you said, I finally feel like I can get out of my head and into my soul again. I also feel like I am clearing people from my gut which feels like a giant weight off my shoulders. I realize that I can genuinely love someone without having to feel them in my gut, and I genuinely feel that this session has already helped me get rid of the feeling of attachment that I had! It’s all already working like the magic that it is and it’s a feeling I didn’t realize I had, or had to get rid of until this session. So I am extremely grateful that you showed me how to conquer this feeling if it ever comes about because you armed me with the most powerful soul magic.”

“Iva, these past few days have been magic. I feel so much more present in my body and a lot of old fears and things that have been weighing on me are being resolved and finally lifting after months of exhaustion, frustration, and anxiety. I feel like I’ve been more guided and assisted in finding opportunities to enjoy each day and make the most of time. Even questions I’ve had about how to make the most of life seem to be getting more clear. Thank you so much for the activations and session.”

“Since our last session so much has happened. I got a new job! It was so interesting talking to you and almost feeling like I was designing what would be ideal ...then this job came up LITERALLY out of nowhere and I honestly couldn’t have designed something as good as it myself! As per usual with what you do, it all aligned. This new job is not even 5 minutes from where I (will now be) moving into! It literally feels like everything is starting to align and all signs were pointing to move there, something I already knew but I think needed a little push to fully decide. In addition to my new job, I also got approached to do two different voiceover jobs, after the months of quiet, two literally came in the span of a week. And when I got my invoice for one, I actually got paid more than I was initially meant to! I’m really feeling like things are coming together and it is so exciting!!!”

“Every session with Iva brings unimaginable gifts. It’s as if she ignites something that pours blessings into your life and at rapid speed. And I’m the proof because I’ve experienced this first hand. After a 3-month home search and no luck, I had my first session with Iva. That same week, I found my dream condo in my dream neighbourhood (after I was told it was too expensive and impossible to find) and signed a lease.”

“Iva!!! I don’t know where to begin, after our session I felt like so much was lifted off my shoulders. When you did your hands-on work with me, I felt my body tingling. My lips started to vibrate while I was breathing outwards and the bloated feeling I had for the last few months went away!!!! I started noticing the magic around me right away. I felt so much positivity from the ones I love and even my clients. Every time I see you, amazing things happen. Thank you for your magic and everything you do.”

“I’ve been thinking about everything that you said during that IMPACTFUL session - my head is still spinning because you were SO SPOT-ON about me. Everything that I thought I was SO SKILLED at hiding from the world (and a lot of times, my own self) you have uprooted/unearthed & brought to the light - almost glaringly so. Talking to you was like hearing my own Soul speak to me for the first time & at times, it was being slapped by my own Soul in the best way possible that I HAVE NO HUMAN WORDS FOR.”

“Dearest Iva, thank you for my session today. Within two years of starting our EYE Sessions, I’ve had 308 days without a headache when I had daily headaches for over 10 years running. Over 400 days with no debilitating SI joint pain from travel sitting positions or exercise. No longer having sweaty hands or body, prior to or during business presentations. Real Soul work to aid blockages, resistance, fears. I am being present and understanding it is okay to remove people, places or things that do not serve my soul path. I am awakening to understand the why’s in life, body, mind, relationships.”

“Thank you for all that you do for everyone! You are so selfless and I am beyond blessed to know you and be in your presence. You have lit up my life in the most beautiful way. I feel things shifting (specifically my internal peace, career and relationships) every single day in ways I never thought were possible. I am thrilled to continue to grow with your guidance. You have taught me so much about myself and have guided me back to my soul self! THANK YOU!”

“After my most recent session with Iva on a Sunday, on the Wednesday I landed 4 clients in 1 day — that has never happened! Prior to my session, I was also looking to make a change in my work life to get things exciting again. After my session, I received the opportunity to consult with an incredible, forward-thinking company PLUS the chance to be in one of Toronto’s BEST co-working spaces. All of this happened just 72 hours after my session with Iva. It’s an understatement to say that her guidance is powerful, but it’s important for me to share with the world that she has made my life richer in so many ways and my relationship with myself and my soul work a lifelong commitment I never want to let go of.”

“Iva! Your Livestream event was the most powerful experience I’ve had on every level. I am blown away by the higher power that runs through you and felt into our bodies. You infused me with such a deep personal and physical healing. I feel like you unmasked all distractions I was hiding behind. All fear, paranoia, and fake happiness that was running my life and causing tension in my body has dissipated and been replaced with this solid inner security, softness, and loving respect for myself. I feel I have been purified. It’s beautiful and fresh and new, and I am seeing that reflect in all outer experiences. The healing you provide is sent from above. Through you, to us, it’s undoubtedly divine. Thank you”

“You are such an energetic, positive, high voltage injector of LoveLight! I’ve been feeling this anxiety and almost tightness in my stomach and everything you’re saying is happening to me! I signed up for the event and so much has happened for me! I made a beautiful change with my look and I have never felt so free and confident with that! It has basically shifted my energy and mood so much so that I feel like a new person (once again!!!!) EYE Love how every time that I work with you, whether it be a one on one session or an event – soooooo many massive opportunities open up and present themselves with EASE!!!!! I have So Much LOVE for you!!!!”

“Iva, to say ‘thank you’ simply isn’t enough. The emotions that came up during our session had been held in for far too long and I truly needed that release. You continue to leave me in AWE. The dream I had of you telling me I was pregnant, before I even knew and then bringing it up again during our session was perfectly ‘Iva’. You are a true soul doula and I can’t wait to continue this journey together!”

“Hi Iva! You are the best! Thank you so much for your gracious loving assistance. I always feel so much lighter after our sessions and really excited about shifting! I have already been witnessing magic and feel like I am completely cleansing.”

“IVA!! Your last event series changed me. Nothing is the same. I feel I understand myself better than I ever have in my life and feel so confident and comfortable taking new forward leaps and bounds in my life. My anxiety, uncertainty, and confusion has turned into this unshakable power and belief in myself. To be who I am, who I was always meant to be, and do what my Soul came here to do. I feel like you lifted me up into a new segment of my life, where I AM in charge, supported, and FREEEEE. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!!!!”

“Thank you so much for the event! First of all, leading up to the event I could feel major shifts happening, some people were leaving my life and not in a bad way – making room for other people coming in. I had emails with opportunities and felt great. Day of event was nothing short of magic. I had a great meeting with my mentor – got a desk, built a desk and still had time for meditation before the event. So the event was all about bringing in Soul and releasing control, and boy oh boy was that for me! I was totally trying to be cool cuz I know you act and speak from the divine but when you came on and called out all us control freaks I was shook – I knew you were speaking directly to me.  During the event I couldn’t see what looked like glitches of a solid turquoise colour cover the screen in extremely odd shapes. I knew it was something divine so I did not question it for a second. Also all of the magical activations – girl I’m living.”

“Iva, since your November #SacredSundays, I can still feel so much happening in my body. I have become super sensitive to people when I’m not around them, I’ve been able to release emotions much easier than before, I have learned to listen to my body’s needs more intently and rest when I need. My work has been more detailed and I feel more creative and open. My clients continue to express how my energy is so calming to be around. I feel energized when I’m alone whereas before I used to feel the need to be busy and hustling”

“Between the SacredSundays and yesterday’s session, I feel like a whole new human being. It’s as if I just sped up and accelerated 20 years of healing (or maybe multiple lifetimes) into one month. I am still processing everything but last night I slept from 5:30pm to 8pm, then again from 9pm to 6am. I was totally zonked out and woke up feeling more rested than I have in a long time.”

“Iva, from the first time I was introduced to you, I felt your powerful allure and presence. I knew that you were the real deal and was instantly drawn to you and the magical work you do. When I signed up for one of your events, I was filled with intense joy, knowing that I was investing in myself in the best way possible. My showing up for myself, I would in turn be showing up for others – a ripple effect of goodness!”

“Iva, I’m so thankful for your live videos. I make sure to tune in after even if I can’t make it in the moment and each time I do it feels like you’re speaking right into my experience and soul. Something drew me to you and to connect with you and I am so looking forward to our session. I’m ready to do the work to make major changes. So much love to you. Thank you for sharing your insight and light with us all.”

“Thank you, Iva, for awakening my soul & allowing me to feel parts of it that I never knew existed. Thank you, Iva, for allowing me to feel my heart for the first time in forever. Thank you, Iva, for speaking so clearly that noise simply cannot exist.
Thank you, Iva, for setting me free. Thank you, Iva, for being you & for fulfilling you soul’s purpose. I LOVE YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART & SOUL.”

"Hi Gorgeous, I wanted to thank you again for the beautiful, awakening session you gifted me with. I had experienced soul truths that I had been neglecting for a long time. You opened my eyes, heart and soul to the exact steps I need to begin taking. You are the real deal and I am so happy to have had the chance to experience your gifts. During our session, I experienced music playing around me that sounded like angels and a bright turquoise light came to the front of my eyes. This whole week has brought me so much magic, experiences and connections with others I was so closed off to previously. Thank you again for sharing you spectacular gift, you are a true light worker."

"IVA ~ My goodness gracious me! You have literally flushed some major blocks from my system and energy field! Your Hands-On Event was so powerful! I loved the calmness and serenity, everything made me feel so taken care of and warm. You gave me such powerful activations that are still guiding me through this massive metamorphosis! I just LOVE the effect of them! Since our session, my life feels different. I feel different. Everything around me is different. It’s truly incredible! I’ve experienced so much divine synchronicity, gifts and blessings, forgiveness and love since the hands-on healing. You’ve opened my heart up and made space for my soul to shine. Thank you for that. After doing the assignments you gave me, amazing things began to happen! I began to feel this release of weight. Thank you SO much!"

"HELLOOO Beautiful Iva!! Your energy is contagious, you have inspired me to strive for my best possible life, and to feel lit up all day every day. I feel this energy that I have never felt before. When we were doing the energy colours and breathing, I could actually feel you inside my body. You were re-wiring and working on me, and it was unbelievable to feel it all happening. I am starting to see so many of my insecurities dissipate. I cannot thank you enough. Your gift never seizes to amaze me!!"

"Iva!! I don’t know where to begin, after our session I felt like so much was lifted off my shoulders. When you did your Hands-On work with me, I felt my body tingling. My lips started to vibrate while I was breathing outwards and the bloated feeling I had for the last few months went away!!!  I noticed the magic around me right away. I felt so much positivity from those I love and even from my clients. Every time I see you, amazing things happen, and continue to happen as I do my activations. Thank you for your magic and everything you do."

"Hi Iva! I wanted to send you an update since my session as I have been feeling this impactful shift in the past 2 days! I’ve been feeling more grateful for my life and I know that you taken me to another level! My mood has changed a lot since our session and I’ve received so many gifts in the past few days!  My skin has also begun to clear up and calm down.  I feel like you removed this intensity from my body which I was literally taking out on myself (sabotaging ME)  Thank you for balancing me back and creating the yin to my yang, it has made such a difference in my daily life.  The calmness that I feel is blissful and I know my session is still working through me. Thank you Thank YOU!"

"Hellloooo gorgeous Iva! This email is to express how grateful I am to have you in my life. With every session comes an increase in the light soul energy within me. I feel like a new human and am so elevated! Yesterday, I got a job without even seeking it. Best part is, it’s in a field that I’ve never experienced and will open me up to so many opportunities!! The work you do with me continues to amaze me. I honestly can say that my life would not be what it is if it weren’t for you. I’m feeling high on life and and energized on a whole new level! Of course the universe throws curveballs, but I feel that they are just a chance for me to prove that I’m capable of getting over the hurdles. Each time I commit to soul and overcome things, I become more elevated. I am also becoming more confident in myself and am carrying myself in a whole new way.  I can’t wait for our next session and to keep taking this to the next level! I’m soul addicted. Love you!!! Thank you for everything!!!!!"

“Since our hands-on session, things have been magical! I’ve noticed a shift in the way I see things and treat others & myself. Your activations are clearly having a positive effect and I’m very happy. Since our session, I got a job that is paying me passive income and for that I am sooooo grateful. It gives me time to engage in creative play that makes my soul feel alive and happy and grow! I had two unexpected checks pop in the mailbox yesterday from a different source! On top of all that, my creative juices are flowing and I’ve noticed ideas are steaming through me at an incredible rate. Everything is perfectly synchronistic. Your gift is allowing me to share my gifts and that’s a pretty dope place to be in. Thank you thank you thank you for being you” 

"Hi Iva! Sooooo many amazing things have happened since the hands on Iva Energy Healing!  My life has completely changed and I feel like a different person all together! The moment you began to work on me I physically felt you removing so much baggage that I never knew I carried.  You literally kicked out all the blocks and excess weight that was harbouring inside of me. As soon as you finished I felt immediately lighter and within 2-3 days I lost weight!!!!!!   FOR REAL!!!! Along with all the physical changes I am feeling whole and at peace with myself.  My confidence has jumped, my heart is filled with passion and I feel like I'm walking into a new page in my life!!!  The amount of joy I feel is infinite and I never want it to end! Today I got offered a new opportunity outside of my long term career.  And I'm so excited to try something completely different that I was never open to before!   How do you do that????  
I'm on the greatest high and I can't thank you enough for what you've done!  Your hands on work is Beyond POWERFUL!!!!!!  In a matter of an hour and some you've helped me shed weight, fear, anxiety, depression and stagnant energy.  THANK YOU!!! Thank you so much.  You have no idea how much this means to me and what a HUGE impact you've made. LOVE YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO AND MORE!!!"

“Hi Iva! I just wanted to send you a God Bless YOU, Thank YOU, You’re the Bomb, No words can explain how amazing I feel! You literally snapped me back into myself!!! Everything you said was 1000% true and really hit me after my session! During the session when I was looking at the screen of my computer, the words coming out of your mouth were faster than your mouth was moving! It was like your reading was pouring ahead of your actual physical mouth!!!!! It was incredible to see because that has never happened before!!!!  My whole body is shaking as I’m writing this to you! It’s like your energy is travelling through my cells and body!!! Thank you so much for aligning me back into myself. I love doing my activation because I feel it’s lifting my whole energy levels within seconds! It is Always an elevated experience during my sessions! I love how each time is so different from the other. Thank you LOVE LOVE LOVE” 

"Iva!! I had to tell you, I just got a job without even having to look for one, for something that I’m really interested in!! I’m so happy and I owe it all to the work you’ve done with me. You’re a godsend, and everything amazing in my life is a direct result of the work I’ve done with you!!! I love you lots and I’m extremely grateful to have you in my life. You’re an amazing human and I cannot thank you enough for showing me the light"

“Soooooo much has happened since my session with you! I was stuck in the mud and you literally pulled me out, shook me out of it and then BOOM! Miracles happened! Everything opened up and ALLLL the True support and people in my life came forward to assist me. That power is undeniable. It’s been such a journey. I am amazed at how my life is falling into place so seamlessly.” 

"IVAA!! Our session the other day was actually incredible. You were so accurate in everything you said and everything I was needing at that time and had been needing for so long….it felt like the energy that we cleared was one that needed to be cleared for a long time…and right after our session finished, that person you had been channelling messaged me….coincidence? I DON’T THINK SO" 

"Reaching out to you to thank you for changing my life and making me believe in magic and that we are truly in control of reaching our full potential. In control of our destiny if we truly believe and are willing to put in the work. Because of you I am able to reach new levels and am excited because I know that I have so much further to go! Rising up every day because of the inspiration, motivation, and dedication that you provide your clients with. Thank you for your gift. Filled with so much love! Ready to conquer the highest mountains!" 

"Iva! Just another THANK YOU. I can’t even believe everything that’s happened in the last year. I’m truly a different person. I needed your guidance and I’m so glad I took a chance on an alternative style of healing…it’s been the deepest healing of my life. I feel unstoppable now – you’ve helped me to see how barriers are just dust in the air, and are self-imposed. And how we break them all when we are aligned with soul. There are no limits when in alignment. I just love you so fuckin muchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I’m a different human. I’ve worked w counselors, psychologists, psychotherapists, and left them all after a while…but you have stayed the whole way through and been the most powerful force of all. Thank you for everything this year, Iva. LOVE LOVE LOVE"

“Four months following a cycling accident I suffered post-concussion symptoms including chronic headaches and nausea. The recovery process was Painful, uncomfortable and incredibly slow. After One session with Iva, I immediately noticed an improvement in my physical well-being. After two sessions, my post-concussion symptoms have disappeared.
Thanks so much Iva!”

"I want you to know that I support your work and everything you are from the complete bottom of my heart and soul. I remember the first session I had with you, and afterwards I showered and was shaking and all the beads of water were standing up on my skin like goosebumps. You’re one of the greatest things to come into my life – it feels selfish to admit part of why, but it’s that you SEE me and are pulling things up to my surface that have been buried in the deepest pit of my gut, things that I didn’t have the confidence to recognize in myself; my power, my gifts, my direction, true spirit. And that I can just trust in that. U are a gift. U have gifts but u also are a gift."

“Hi Iva, Thank you for telling me, reminding me, always reinforcing me to be ME. I feel more beautiful (that is so weird to even write) I never thought that I could feel good or even feel beautiful! You have never led anywhere but UP & into my heart & soul and I’m thankful for you. So many things are changing for me at the moment and this has helped me to step into my confidence and it feels so good! LOVE LOVE LOVE"

“I really feel like I have come out of my shell and into my own self, having a kind of confidence I didn’t know existed before. You have helped me realize the importance of self-love and self-care, and it has changed my life tremendously. My perception is so different, and my mind is so clear. Being able to rid my anxieties without any medication or “therapies” still amazes me. I owe this all to you, and I am so grateful every day that I live worry-free. The greatest thing of all has been finding myself. THANK YOU!!!!!"

“Hi Iva! These past 2 days since my session have been like a breath of fresh air! I felt lighter, softer, calmer, more at peace and wayyyyy less anxious and sad. While my session was happening I felt you shifting things inside of my body. It was almost like when a fuse blows you reset those buttons for me! I feel less bloated and it’s like you’ve changed my filtering system! My eyes are brighter, my appetite has decreased and I am focusing inwardly instead of outwardly! You’ve filled my heart and soul with so much love and magic that I don’t even feel like eating!!! Thank you so much. I love my sessions with you and can’t wait to continue them for Leyef! Love You Tons!”

"Hiii Iva, I’ve started and moved through every day since our session with a smile on my face. My energy has been infectious in my house and at work - everyone is feeding off of it and I’m so humbled. By helping me to wake up elated every morning, I’m sharing you with the people around me. There is laughter and introspection and collaboration and peace. What a joy. Thank-you. This week, you told me to do my activations and to let white doves carry away the negativity and the old energy. How did you know that my next-door neighbour keeps doves? They surround my home and fly overhead all day. They’re so close that I can hear their wings beat above my body. Your guidance here has helped me find beauty whenever I turn my head to the sky. With every dove comes a release. You have no idea how light I feel. I’m so grateful to have recognized you as my old friend, and to have found you again in this life. What a gift. All my love. xxx"

"Everything in my life has changed and I know it’s from my work with you. You gave me the courage to move on. I was having so much anxiety, stress and felt trapped. You were there for me in ways that made me feel supported from the core. You have injected me with this energy to live full force and I feel like a pro-athlete/soul-athlete! I feel stronger, I feel happier and I feel like I can do anything! I APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH!” 

“I booked a one on one session with Iva and wow! I was totally blown away. Iva is so insightful. The activations were so inspiring, positive and uplifting. They immediately made me feel lighter. She saw things inside of me that even I forgot, told me about my food allergies which she was super accurate about. It brought such positivity and a new, improved way of thinking to my life. I don’t know how to explain it.” 


the biggest thing I've noticed in ALL areas of my//M{EYE} Life is that I'm NO LONGER IN SURVIVAL/DAMAGE CONTROL MODE. This is Massive. This is incredible. I'm finally in a place where I'm ready to build, create, love, and grow instead of working to maintain what isn't working. And everywhere I have been in which I took on the role of "Damage Control Manager" (even in my own personal life) gets to leave ~gently~. I feel like I'm breathing life again and ready to do what feels good. Not even just good ~ what feels authentically invigorating. 

Really, really excited to dig deep & then keep going.

xoxo Love you!!!"

"Since my session with Iva, It’s like my whole consciousness is shifting. My relationships improved. Old bad habits are disappearing to make way for new. I have an overall better outlook on life and the options I now know I have. I got a new better job since then and it’s crazy. It’s like everyone wants to work with me. I am just beyond excited to explore life’s possibilities.” 

“Thank you for fixing my windshield wipers, turning on my defroster and removing all that was blocking me from seeing my truth!!!! As I sat there during my session, I kept thinking to myself “I WILL NEVER STOP WORKING WITH YOU!” It is so important to me. What you do for all of us is far beyond anyone’s imagination! I am lucky to have met you and worked with you for this long. Thank you so much!"

“Hi Iva!

I just wanted to write a little thank you note. Not sure you’re aware but after you touched my hand as you were leaving the studio yesterday I felt a shift energetically that really helped bring about a release of something stuck with me for a couple weeks now. I’m not all the way there but that simple gesture was lovely and very much appreciated. Thank you!! I could still feel the touch even a couple hours later like a tingly warmth on my hand!”


I had to write to tell you so many wonderful things. First, I did the “Eye Cleanse” and first of all it is DELICIOUS and so exciting. I also so feel so much lighter and my skin is so clear. I also made the drink you told me about and it is so tasty and such a vibrant colour! Not only does my physical body feel lighter, but so does everything else. Since our session I have just felt so much more at ease, things and people and situations that were stressing me out now seem so small and I feel like I’m just riding the wave and chillin’. I’ve also found myself really looking around evaluating where I’m at. People, places and things that are truly making me happy versus things I feel like I have to do because it’s what’s expected or obligated. I’m in a place of discovery, which is scary but also very exciting. I can’t wait for another session with you!

So exciting!

Love love."

“Ok listen: you changed my entire life. EVERYTHING has changed since my last session. Me, my surroundings, people around me, jobs. Everything. Firstly, I fucking get it all. It’s the simplest solution. I felt the activation working on me in progressions after the session. The shift has been HUGE. Whole new life. I feel different. Free. I feel internally chilled out and so fucking energized at the same time but through my SOUL. I literally feel my signal has been rearranged to connect to My Soul – and it’s crazy how much easier, more natural, rewarding and enjoyable life is. When you listen and connect to your SOUL!!”

"Iva's sessions have had an immense impact on me and my life. She has changed me. To begin, it all started with a very big and may I say unknown issue that was happening to me in my life for a long time. And with so many appointments and tries of reasoning, I could not find any answer to what it was or why It was even happening to me. I wasn't happy, I was sad, and deeply frustrated. It led me to a huge awakening which wonderfully led me to Iva. Iva opened me up, and More importantly, made me Realize I was fighting my own self.

Iva has allowed me to understand my soul, my body, my mind, and to listen to what is going on Inside me and around me. Bring magic into my soul that was wanting to open up for so long. Be with the people who want me in their circle, not forced. Let go of certain energies and bring in good flows, vibes and frequencies. I am changed in the way I am. I am no longer how I used to be. I smile more. I am happier. I am not afraid of what I used to be afraid to do or say. Even the way I view certain things, the way I feel, how to bring light back into me and my life. I've had people tell me that “I inspire them in the way I am so happy and positive" and that I “have a beautiful soul" and "I am glowing". This is how I knew I changed and I can see it within my self. And it emanates off of me :) Iva Has given me immense love, pure soulfulness, and powerful energies That flow within me, I feel amazing! She is absolutely wonderful and magical and I am so amazed to have Her in my life. And extremely grateful she is helping me. I love her soooo much!! She is super powerful. 
Love you Iva!" 

"In life we get to meet people from many different walks of life, some are nice, some are not so nice, and then we meet people that walk among us that are NOT from this plane. They live in this society but are NOT conditioned by this society, they have a higher sense of awareness, a higher vision of life. Someone once said, "You can never solve a problem on the same level with which it was created." We need to change our point of view or look at it from another angle. I believe IVA is one of those people, someone that has not been corrupted by the drama of society and is able to show us a different point of view to our problems. Iva is someone that has a direct connection to your own higher purpose in life, and for that I am deeply thankful.  I hope this helps anyone who has the opportunity to be privileged enough to hear IVA's message she has for you.  Your own personal message from a higher purpose. Thank you for your insights IVA."

"Iva is the most intuitive person I have ever met; she sees through you like a skeleton and knows more about you than you know about yourself"

"Iva has helped guide me to focus on the aspects of myself that make me a better, more authentic person. Due to working with Iva on a weekly basis, I have become courageous enough to start my own company, find my true passion and be happy with who I am! Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have her help guide me and learn to activate my true desires. Love you, Inspiring Iva" 

"I have had 4 sessions with Iva now, she has shown me many things that I had never realized or seen about myself. My eyes and soul are more opened now due to these 4 sessions. I am re-learning who I am. Iva digs deep into your soul and your true inner feelings to make you FEEL and ACKNOWLEDGE them and helps you walk through the turmoil to guide you to soul safety, soul happiness, soul healing, soul love, soul success, and in my case, helping me see what my soul really needs to be whole and complete. I have been to all sorts of conventional therapy for many years, but these 4 sessions have been more successful than the years of therapy. It is truly an amazing  and powerful gift that she has and I am lucky that I have the chance to have her to work with me to help me become the highest vibrating soulful person that I can be."

"I remember the first time I met Iva. It was four years ago that I came to see her. I took a leap of faith and made an appointment - having no clue what to expect. I remember being struck by her beauty first and foremost. Her eyes pierced into my soul and I instantly became an open book. That first session was magical and put things into motion that would change my life. Two months later, I met the man of my dreams, Uraaz Bahl. The night we said I love you, was the most surreal night thanks to Iva! It all suddenly fell into place. Needless to say he is now my husband and every time I meet a girlfriend desperate to find a man I tell them what Iva told me. Thanks to Iva I am with my better half and am ready to fly."

"Working with Iva has always been a wonderful experience. Iva provides guidance that has helped me work through my issues from a different perspective and challenges me to move forward using a new approach. She has a tremendous amount of insight and her information is extremely useful and accurate. Ever since Iva got me into the habit of saying my daily affirmation, which she carefully crafted for me, my life has been so much better. I'm losing weight in a healthy way, I sleep better, I am more calm and I feel happier. Her advice really helped me move forward."

"I feel ALIVE and LIT UP. So refreshing. I am always amazed at how each session ends with some new realization about myself.  As I get more connected to myself, it all feels like a natural state of being. That's the goal, that's the prize, that's when I will truly be living the life I'm meant to live. Love you - thank you for all your support, reality checks and guidance."

"Iva, I feel like I had my eyes open up for the first time in a long while this week.  I ACTUALLY feel that my eyes have been closed for years - that I had been projecting my own insecurities on to so many things and people and situations. The minute I started to love and accept myself last week, my perception started to change. I get excited just thinking about it. To loving, focusing and slowing down. Love"